Take time to talk

There is currently a lot of worry and uncertainty around the coronavirus outbreak and children and young people will be affected by the changes going on around them, regardless of their age or additional needs. It is important that adults explain what is happening in age appropriate language that they can understand. Here are some resources that might help.

Talking to Children about Coronavirus and Anxiety

Stories and Information about Coronavirus

For younger children

  1. ELSA: Coronavirus Story for Children:  
  2. Mindheart: A short story about Coronavirus for young children, aged 7 and under, available in different languages:  
  3. Little Puddins Social Story:  
  4. NHS Factsheet –  

For older children and young adults (with additional needs)

  1. Carol Gray Social Story about Pandemics and Coronavirus:  
  2. MENCAP: Explaining the Coronavirus:

Media for children and young people about coronavirus