Penyrheol Comprehensive School is a Rights Respecting School
What is the Rights Respecting School Award?
The Unicef UK Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises the achievement of schools who work to embed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) into their ethos and culture.
We have been awarded Gold status as a Rights Respecting School.
The Children’s Commissioner for Wales
The Children’s Commissioner for Wales supports children and young people to find out about their rights.
You can find out more about the Children’s Commissioner by visiting their homepage at
The current Children’s Commissioner, Sally Holland, also keeps a blog here which is updated regularly with information and news regarding the rights of young people.
The Children’s Commissioner can also be followed on Twitter @childcomwales, and Facebook.
Our School Charter
Our school charter (below) outlines the Rights and responsibilities that all pupils and staff commit to.
Pupils commit to
- Being the best that they can be. Listening in lessons and completing all work set. (Article 28)
- Participating in class discussions.
Using Pupil Voice to improve their school life. (Article 12) - Exercising regularly and eating healthily. (Article 6)
- Looking out for friends and telling a member of staff if something has happened. (Article 19)
- Accepting that there will be consequences if responsibilities are not met. (Article 3)
Staff commit to
- Providing challenging learning experiences.
Giving pupils help and support if they don’t understand the work. (Article 28) - Giving every pupil the opportunity and respect to voice their views.
Making decisions with the pupils’ views in mind. (Article 12) - Providing opportunities for fitness, activity and healthy eating.
Providing counselling for young people who feel emotionally unwell. (Article 6) - Taking action if they are informed of mistreatment. (Article 19)
- Encouraging pupils to always do their best. (Article 3)
We all commit to
- Attending school every day that we are able. (Article 28)
- Not saying what we think if it is hurtful or offensive.
Listening to and considering what others have to say. (Article 12) - Promoting healthy eating and fitness.
Considering everyone’s emotional health and well-being. (Article 6) - Being responsible for looking after one another.
Following the school rules. (Article 19) - Treating everyone equally, no matter their religion, race or gender. (Article 3)
Articles used in the charter:
- Article 3: Everyone who works with young people should always do what is best for each person.
- Article 6: Young people have the right to life and to grow up to be healthy.
- Article 12: Young people have the right to say what they think should happen and be listened to.
- Article 19: Young people should not be harmed and should be looked after and kept safe.
- Article 28: Young people have the right to learn and to go to school.