Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care Arrangements

The school is organised on a year basis with a Head of Year in charge of each year. They are supported by a Pastoral Assistant.


Heads of Year have full delegated responsibility for their Year Group – for their attendance, uniform, behaviour, discipline, welfare and academic progress. Form Tutors assist them in this role, providing a secure, caring base for pupils in their forms and encouraging a positive, co-operative atmosphere. This enables pupils to develop the confidence and stability necessary to gain the maximum benefit from the school’s curriculum.

Good working relationships are also encouraged within the year group. The Head of Year and Form Tutor will offer help and support with personal and general problems, and also encourage all pupils to aim for standards and attitudes expected by the school regarding academic work, behaviour, punctuality, politeness, uniform, appearance and the safety and security of personal possessions.

The caring responsibility which each Form Tutor has is reinforced by the specific, well-defined Personal, Social and Health Education programme which is followed by pupils throughout the school.

Each Key Stage is overseen by a Key Stage Manager who is responsible for mentoring underachievers and developing the PSHE programme.

Year 6 pupils from our partner primary schools will spend two whole days at Penyrheol during the Summer Term preceding their arrival in September. All Year 7 pupils follow an induction programme designed to help them settle in and there is a special Parents Evening for Year 7 parents in November so that they can be informed of how their child has settled.