The curriculum we offer is broad and balanced and is designed to promote the cultural, intellectual, moral, physical and spiritual development of all our pupils, ensuring they leave school ready for the responsibilities and experiences of adult life. In accordance with the law it consists of the following core and foundation subjects for those aged 11-14 i.e. Years 7 – 9 (Key Stage 3).
Core subjects:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
Foundation subjects:
- Art
- Design Technology
- French
- Geography
- History
- Music
- Physical Education
- (Religious Education)
- Welsh
In addition pupils study Drama and Personal, Social and Health Education. Parents of pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 are issued with Parental Guides giving information about what pupils will be studying and suggestions about how parents can help them make good progress in all their subjects. In Year 9 pupils have the opportunity to gain qualifications in the Essential Skills of Communication, Application of Number, and Information Communication Technology, as well as the Wider Key Skills of Working with Others, Improving Own Learning and Performance and Problem Solving.
During Year 9, pupils are offered a range of optional subjects which they will then study during their remaining two years of school (Key Stage 4). Parents and pupils have always been involved in this process of choice. We encourage pupils to negotiate their own curriculum, while at the same time trying to ensure that all pupils maintain breadth and balance in their courses. Clearly the National Curriculum dictates some of the subjects pupils must study. Nevertheless, as a school we will always try to ensure some degree of negotiation, and involve both parents and pupils in the process.
All pupils must continue to study the core subjects of:
- English (and most also take English Literature)
- Mathematics
- Science
They are, in addition, able to choose four option subjects from the following:
- Art
- Business Studies
- Child Development
- Construction
- Drama
- Engineering
- Food Technology
- French
- Geography
- Graphics
- Health and Social Care
- History
- Hospitality
- Information Communication Technology
- Media Studies
- Motor Vehicle Studies
- Music
- Performing Arts
- Physical Education Studies
- Public Services
- Religious Studies
- Resistant Materials
- Retail
- Spanish
- Systems and Control
- Textiles
- Travel and Tourism
- Welsh
Whilst the majority of pupils follow GCSE or BTEC courses, a small number follow courses at Entry Level.
Courses in Careers Education, Personal, Social and Health Education, Physical Education, Religious Education, Welsh and Information Communication Technology are taken by all pupils in Years 10 and 11.
We are gradually extending the opportunity for pupils at Key Stage 4 to undertake the Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification. From September 2011 up to 100 pupils per year group at KS4 will be able to gain this important over-arching qualification. Pupils who are chosen for this opportunity will be those that have shown greatest commitment to their studies through good attendance and effort during KS3.
In each of the core and foundation subjects, there are attainment targets to achieve, programmes of study to follow and the appropriate assessment arrangements for each pupil using national curriculum guidelines. Teaching methods in each subject are designed to meet pupils’ differing needs.