Welcome to Penyrheol Comprehensive School
Penyrheol Comprehensive School was established in 1973. It is a mixed English-medium 11-16 Comprehensive School that serves the communities of Gorseinon, Loughor, Penyrheol, Kingsbridge and Garden Village.
The school liaises closely with five partner primary schools to ensure smooth transition from one phase to the next. At sixteen the majority of pupils continue their education at Gower College with which the school has an excellent working relationship.
The school was last inspected in October 2018. The school was awarded ‘Good’ for all five of the inspection areas: Standards; Wellbeing and attitudes to learning; Teaching and learning experiences; Care, support and guidance; Leadership and management. Inspectors commented:
In lessons, the majority of pupil make strong progress and recall previous learning well. Most pupils develop sound speaking and listening skills. They listen with due attention and respect to the teacher and their peers. Many contribute appropriately and confidently in class discussions. They discuss their work well and explain their ideas clearly. Many pupils read well to extract information. Many pupils write with sound technical accuracy and use subject specific terminology well.
Pupils develop their numeracy skills suitably in a range of relevant subjects. Pupils develop their ICT skills well across the curriculum. The quality of teaching and learning experiences provided by the school has had a positive impact on outcomes for pupils at the end of key stage 4. At the end of Year 11, nearly all pupils remain in education, employment and training.
Examination results are not the only measure of a successful school. The inspection team found that Penyrheol pupils:
…enjoy their life at school and appreciate the strong relationships they have with staff and their peers. Nearly all feel safe, included and valued. Pupils have a clear understanding of the range of support and guidance available to them. Most are proud of their school and are courteous towards their teachers, peers and visitors.
Pupils from Penyrheol do well both locally and nationally in areas as diverse as mountain biking and public speaking. They achieve individual and team honours in sporting activities; they can act, sing, dance and win competitions for their artistic talent. They also care for those less fortunate than themselves and regularly raise considerable sums of money for charity.
The school has a large site with excellent sporting facilities enhanced by having a leisure centre, which is used by pupils during the school day and members of the community at other times. The majority of the school buildings are modern and all of the facilities together create a very positive learning environment.
Penyrheol is a genuine comprehensive school in that it has pupils of all abilities and backgrounds. It is very much a part of the community that it serves.
There is a considerable amount of new housing being built in the locality, because the area is a pleasant one.
Mission Statement
Penyrheol seeks to be a happy, caring community in which all who work are valued, supported and treated with respect and tolerance. In so seeking, we hope everyone will be motivated to achieve their full potential and strive for the highest standards of teaching, learning and behaviour.
Ceisia Penyrheol fod yn gymuned hapus, ofalgar, lle caiff pawb ag sy’n gweithio ynddi ei gwerthfawrogi a’u chefnogi a’i trin gyda pharch a goddefiad. Yn hyn o beth gobeithir y bydd pawb yn frwdfrydig i gyrraedd eu llawn potensial ac i ymdrechu i gyrraedd y safonau uchaf o ddysgu, hyffordi ac ymddygiad.